Best quality for the best output

Basel City Compensation Office


Every day, the employees of the Basel-Stadt compensation office ensure that all services are processed optimally. EIZO monitors ensure that optimal conditions prevail for intensive screen work.

The Basel City Compensation Fund (AKBS) is a modern service provider in the field of Swiss social insurance. Its customers are insured persons, persons liable for contributions and beneficiaries of the AHV/IV/EO, the family allowances in agriculture and the family compensation fund Basel-Stadt. It is also responsible for the collection of contributions for unemployment insurance (ALV).

The AKBS looks after more than 26,000 customers and around 40,000 recipients of AHV and IV benefits, and pays child allowances for more than 8,000 children and young people. Furthermore, the Basel-Stadt compensation office is the advisory and competence center in Basel-Stadt for questions regarding social insurance.

The AKBS (fund number 12) employs 75 people.

Focus on quality and durability

Why AKBS chose EIZO monitors is explained by Roland Kudelic, System Engineer and Procurement Hardware and Software: "For us, quality and durability are top priorities. Thanks to the 5-year warranty that covers all parts of a monitor, EIZO monitors are very cost-effective. With most competitors, the warranty is 3 years at most and must be extended with an extended warranty, which often doesn't include everything. In addition, the replacement of a defective device at EIZO is very uncomplicated and expeditious. The fact that we have rarely had to use this service speaks for the top quality of the products. And EIZO monitors still have perfect image quality even after years. Compared to competing products, we also save a lot of electricity and thus energy with EIZO monitors. This also pays off in terms of costs and we make an active contribution against climate change."


People in focus

Another basis for the decision was the feedback from the employees. They were clearly in favor of EIZO, as many noticed clear improvements in their screen work. Roger Ammon, Head of Finance, IT and Corporate Development, says: "We know what our employees have to achieve every day. We believe that good performance also requires a good infrastructure. This has a major impact on productivity and efficiency. Monitors that have eye-friendly functions and can be individually adjusted provide optimum support for employees during their intensive work on the screen."

Create optimal working conditions

The paperless office has almost become reality at AKBS. Be it for disbursements, collection requests, recording inquiries, everything is recorded digitally. Even letters that arrive by mail are scanned and processed electronically. But people are still responsible for processing, the employees of AKBS. They make sure that everything runs smoothly. To do this, they navigate countless applications, various screens for recording and often have several documents open at the same time for a case. 


In the eyes of employees, what added value do EIZO monitors offer in their daily work? These factors have proven to be relevant and are particularly appreciated:



The size of the screens - the majority 32 and 27 inches - has good reasons. On it, documents are in their entire size and still easily readable in view. Long scrolling is no longer necessary.



On the 32-inch screen, two levels with different applications can be displayed side by side at an ideal size. Thus, such a screen effectively provides the working area of two monitors. Thus, the acquisition system can be displayed and the document to be processed can be displayed at the same time. And it is possible to switch quickly to another system without having to click away open applications. This ensures an efficient workflow at all times.



Screen settings such as the blue light filter (paper mode) have brought a noticeable improvement in eye fatigue. The fact that this can prevent eye damage from blue light in the long term is another relevant aspect. It is also perceived as pleasant that the monitor also automatically gets darker when it gets darker outside thanks to the light sensor, so it adapts to the ambient light. A plus point is that settings can be made individually according to one's own preference.



With the ergonomic stand, the monitors are adjusted in height and tilt to one's own size and viewing habits. Less neck and shoulder tension is the pleasant result.


Consistently confirmed that relief is really noticeable. Tension, headaches, tired eyes occur less often. Even people who suffer from migraines confirm that they have fewer migraines. If these are not reasons that it is worthwhile to pay attention to quality in terms of durability, energy efficiency, less strain on the eyes and ergonomics when purchasing a monitor!
